
Comprehensive Guide to Selling Trending Products on Amazon 2021

Comprehensive Guide to Selling Trending Products on Amazon

Finding the right products to sell on Amazon can be tough.  Often you have little idea of how well an item will sell until before you’ve made the initial investment and bought that product. 

Although there are never any guarantees, one way to increase your chances of optimal sales is to choose to sell trending products.

Trending products on Amazon are those products which, due to popularity, are being shown in Amazon’s Trending Items section. 

A product’s appearance as a trending product is usually temporary so quick action is required in order to take advantage of this avenue of selling.

3 Ways to Find Trending Products On Amazon

Before you can begin to sell trending products you do, of course, have to find them first.  There are a few ways to source trending products and, the following is a guide to the top three methods.

Amazon and Other Popular Shopping Websites

Most shopping websites will have their own version of trending products which can be found within the site.  On Amazon, you can find trending products in the following ways:

Amazon Best Sellers Page:  Fairly self-explanatory, this is a page on Amazon which features those products which are currently the most popular within their category. 

The term ‘best sellers’ can be a little misleading as there are a number of factors which go toward a product finding its way onto this page but, as a general rule of thumb, these products will sell reasonably well. 

To find these products, log onto Amazon and then click on Best Sellers which can be found through a search or, at the side of the home page.  From there, you can narrow your search by clicking on individual categories such as books, electronics or toys. Once you have identified a product you may like to sell, you can click onto the product page to find further statistics and reviews.

Amazon Movers & Shakers:  Not to be confused with best sellers, products within the Amazon Movers & Shakers are those which have shown the largest improvement in sales ranking within the past 24 hours. 

Amazon Movers & Shakers fluctuates greatly so it’s worth being prudent and watching a product over a number of days to see if it remains a ‘mover and shaker’ before committing to purchasing the product to sell.

Amazon Hot New Releases:  You can probably guess what this one is about but, just in case, here’s what you need to know:  The Amazon Hot New Releases page features newly released products which have gained a significant amount of attention. 

These include products across many genres which can be accessed by clicking the required genre on the left-hand side of the page. 

The advantage of selling hot new releases is that you’re tapping into a potential big seller at the start of its selling life.

Social Media

In today’s world, there’s not much that happens that doesn’t happen on social media.  As well as keeping in touch with friends and family, social media is an excellent source of Amazon Seller inspiration.  To take advantage of this, try:

Reddit:  This social news site is a great source for finding new and unusual products.  Featuring search tools such as hot, rising and new, Reddit allows you to browse through a huge number of subjects in order to see what people are talking about, including great new products.

Pinterest: For the uninitiated, Pinterest is a social media site which allows users to share photographs of themselves and their interests.  Scroll past the selfies and you’ll often mind a treasure chest of new and popular products.

Instagram:  Like Pinterest, Instagram centres around photographs and videos.  Users can search by topic or by a contributor in order to browse an enormous number of products and items of interest.

Twitter:  Not just a platform for President Trump to broadcast his thoughts, Twitter is a great source of product information for sellers.  Check out the trending stories and hashtags to find out what’s hot right now in the Twitterverse.

YouTube:  Video has, time and time again, been proven to be hugely successful when it comes to selling products and services.  The most popular video site worldwide, YouTube’s Trending section allows users to take a look at the videos that are currently popular, offering inspiration for new products to sell.

Trend & Product Review Publications

If you’re looking for a more in-depth approach to finding new products to sell, there are a number of publications out there for you. These include:

Trend Hunter

Trend Hunter is an online magazine specifically designed to offer product inspiration to online sellers. 

As well as interesting and on-topic articles, Trend Hunter features easy to search product categories including fashion, electronics and much more.


Online trend and innovation platform, Springwise, is an endless source of product inspiration for sellers.

As well as searching for products and innovations on-site, users can also sign up to receive product news straight to their inboxes.


Uncrate is a hugely popular men’s buying guide. Although the content leans heavily toward cars and tech, there are plenty of other products and ideas to be found on the site with a little patience.

Cool Material

Want some Cool Material to sell online?  Then, this is the site for you. Primarily targeted toward men, this easy to search site covers fashion, tech and consumables as well as quirky gadgets perfect for selling online.


Aquiremag is an e-zine for the consumer who has to have the latest tech and gadgets. 

As well as finding inspiration on-site, members can sign up to receive the regular newsletter featuring cool innovations and the Monday Club which highlights what’s new and coming soon.


Werd is an incredibly popular blog for men which showcases the latest fashion, tech and sport innovations.

The Gifts section features a whole host of great ideas for Amazon sellers looking for trending products.


Canopy is an Amazon curated online shop which sells just about anything you can possibly think of.  A treasure trove of gifts, fashion and consumables, this one is a must for the Amazon seller looking for inspiration.

Tools to Verify Trending Products

Once you’ve identified an Amazon trending product, you’ll want to check it out before committing to the purchase.  You can do this in a number of ways including:

Google Trends

Google Trends is a one-stop shop for finding out what’s hot and what’s not.  Once you’ve identified your product, log onto Google Trends and put the name of the product into the search engine. 

If it really is a genuine trending product, it’ll be there.  If it’s not, you may want to re-think before buying.

Jungle Scout

The ever-popular Jungle Scout is a great way of verifying whether or not a product is trending. 

As well as a whole lot of other features, Jungle Scout allows you to search for a product and get immediate facts and figures as to its popularity.


Asinhunt is a sales estimator and product search tool that many Amazon sellers would never be without. 

This clever tool allows users to check on a product’s statistics and, even estimates for you the approximate number of sales to be expected from that product.

Selling Trending Products – The Pros and Cons

Now that you know how to find them, the question is, should you be selling trending products?  Like everything, there are positives and negatives to this which are:

On the positive side

When a product is trending, it is, at that moment, extremely popular.  This means that you have a good chance of selling quite a few units in a short space of time.  If you manage to get in on a product when it’s brand new, the selling curve can be quite wide and can be extremely lucrative.

On the negative side

A trend, by nature, is something which tends to be popular for a short period of time, to be replaced quickly by something else.  For this reason, when selling a trending product, it’s unrealistic to expect to maintain high sales for any length of time.


Selling Amazon trending products can be extremely lucrative when you know what you’re doing. 

The trick is to understand that the sales life of a trending product can be short – and to, therefore, make sure that you don’t over-purchase stock which will then languish in an Amazon warehouse once the trend has run its course.

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