
Jungle Scout Review: The Differences Between Web App and Chrome Extension


1. What is Jungle Scout?

In this Jungle Scout review, you will be introduced to this important app and how it could earn you a bunch of cash on Amazon.

It is essentially a product research tool that has become the go-to for newbies to selling on Amazon, as well as their power sellers.

Jungle Scout is both a WebApp and chrome extension that can be used by those Amazon entrepreneurs looking to access products that might be hiding in its extensive database.  It will assist you in building a profitable amazon business by uncovering products to sell.

Created by Jungle Scout, the application is designed to use data to inform winning business ideas.

2. What is different between a Web App and the chrome extension?

It is not a matter of choosing one or the other.  The Jungle Scout WebApp and its Chrome Extension work well together.  They address different needs when approaching product research.

The extension will help you gather data from a particular page or search on Amazon. This extension is installed into your browser and will operate when you visit the Amazon website.

With a click on the extension you will be able to see a product’s price, estimated sales, review count – all of which provides valuable data for comparison – quickly.

The WebApp allows you to filter Amazon’s database by category, price, sales, etc. The aim is to help you find potential sales items that may be hidden in the depths of Amazon’s stock.

The WebApp also gives you the capability to track a competitor’s activity over time.  This gives you some confidence in the potential sales you might enjoy before investing any money.

3. Which pricing plan should I choose?

There are three levels of price for the WebApp.  There is Business, at a cost of $828 one-time cost; Standard, $588 one-time cost and Start-up, $348 one-time cost.

If you want access to Niche Hunter, then you need to buy the Business or Standard price plan.

However, a lot of sellers say you can get away with the Start-Up price plan, as it gives you everything you need to search for a product – and the Product Database and Product Tracker are the two most important tools in Jungle Scout.

If purchasing the Chrome Extension, you have two options – Lite and Pro.  As you would imagine, the Lite extension is great for new people to selling on Amazon who want a cheaper option. Pro is more expensive but if you are serious about selling then you need the intricacy of metrics that the pro extension offers.

4. More on the WebApp

There are three important features offered by the WebApp.  These features include:

A Product Database: The product database is the entirety (sort of) of the Amazon catalog.  You can search through the Amazon catalog using a range of filters – including demand, price, sales, rating, seasonality and much more.

A Product Tracker: You can monitor competitor activity using the product tracker.  This means you can view their pricing and inventory with a single click.  This will save a mountain of time in collating information into spreadsheets.

The Niche Hunter: The Niche Hunter helps you calculate the opportunity in a specific product and reveals the top 10 sellers’ metrics.  You also get Listing Quality Scores for any keyword – all good material if you want to be successful.

5. More on the Chrome Extension

The Jungle Scout Chrome Extension integrates with Google Chrome and gives you the tools to streamline product searches.  It will allow you to view important product data, such as sales and reviews, directly from the Amazon search pages.  This gives you instant information to analyze the competitiveness of a specific product.

The extension is basically for those in love with metrics – which should be everyone interested in sales.  The data offered includes: seasonal trends, profit calculator, FBA fees, and much more.

On the metrics screen, you have the option to filter using any indicator – which allows you to view those products that are relevant to you.

If you are at all serious about becoming a power seller on Amazon, then you need this data and preferably the data offered by the pro extension package.

6. How accurate is Jungle Scout?

The information provided by Jungle Scout is powerful – if you understand how to interpret it for the good of your business.  The app will not tell you which products will sell – it is not that clever.

However, it does give you accurate averages of sales and from this suggest estimations.

Some feel the estimates are inflated and this is where your interpretation as a user is important.

You need to apply context, seasonality, knowledge of trends – and then think – does this data add up?Is this really an opportunity?

It is worth noting that the estimates are calculated by the sales ranking, which can change every hour – therefore, it depends what you count as up-to-date, accurate information.

7. The pros and the cons of Jungle Scout

The positives

By using Jungle Scout, it basically makes product research quick and simple.  It would essentially be impossible to run an FBA business without the data provided by Jungle Scout.

It is super easy to use, which is what makes it such a powerful tool.  It will save you time, and the interface is clear and effective – making it straightforward to interpret metrics.

When learning how to use Jungle Scout – you will be surprised at how quickly you pick it up!

The downside

There is some doubt on the validity of the data provided.  As the estimates are based on sales ranks, and these can change so quickly, it is difficult to trust the estimates suggested.

However, this tool is not meant to replace a savvy business mind – but offers help and support in making sound decisions. This means you need to bring intelligence to the interpretation of data.

More worryingly, maybe, is that there is sometimes a difference in the data provided by the extension and the WebApp.  This is something that Jungle Scout promises to be looking into.

Also, there are some products not included.  This means you may still end up doing some manual research anyway.  A product that Jungle Scout is really not helpful with is books, for instance.

8. How do I use Jungle Scout to find the best product?

The easiest way to start finding the best product is to open Chrome, with the extension loaded.  You then run a product search and all the sales data for the products in the search list are available to you.

This gives you an insight into how products in that particular line are performing overall and for each of your potential competitors.

However, this requires you to already have a product line in mind.  The point of the WebApp and Extension is to save you from doing manual research of many, many products within the same line.

You will still need to have some lines of inquiry in mind before using Jungle Scout. This means having a set of criteria that you want your product to meet.

Then, you will start using the WebApp by filtering by country, then by price, then by the minimum amount of sales per month, then by number of reviews, and then the weight of product (think of the shipping hassles and storage fees).

Click search and Jungle Scout will show you all the products linked to your criteria.  From there you can click and explore different products and the potential for the market for you.

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